Now she’s starting a new series called Left Unspoken, which you may have seen popping up around the city. The pieces include purposeful lyrics relevant to her current emotional experience. They also feature photos of her grandmother, to pay homage and immortalize such an important figure in her life. The pastes started showing up in a particular neighborhood – aimed at a particular person – as she worked through her feelings regarding a recent breakup. But the work has since developed into something much broader and more personally meaningful. She says the pieces represent her various emotional experiences in and of themselves, her readiness to express them so publicly, and her desire to elicit an emotional reaction from viewers.

What I like about the work is Amber’s willingness to be vulnerable in such an open space. This is something we desperately need – and she’s displaying her feelings so blatantly and with integrity. Amber is sharing an emotional experience with us, and inviting us to tag along as she navigates her journey. She’s allowing us into her world so that we can be inspired to allow ourselves to feel and be present with our own emotional expeditions.
While her first series was reactionary, and more overtly political, this new series is political in a different sense. She’s pushing us to accept our vulnerability, and to stop denying our emotional experiences.

To keep up with Amber Lynn’s work, follow her on Instragram @amberlynnxo
Nice! thanks for sharing.