Next Stop Democracy Opening Reception
On Wednesday night, I had the opportunity to speak about voting issues in Philadelphia and my involvement in Next Stop Democracy’s new project, which is looking to enhance local voter turnout. The event was amazing and the discussion was standing room only. We were able to articulate our views about voting in general and the Philly art scene’s responsibility to promote community engagement.
(photo courtesy of @nsdemocracy)
I was able to share the stage with the amazing duo behind the #BrailleStreetArt movement, Austin Seraphin and Sonia Petruse. These two are working diligently to challenge the notion that street art is purely a visual artform. Together, they create politically-charged stickers with braille printed text. And because of their mold-breaking concept, they were (almost ironically) awarded “Visual Artist of the Year” at the Philly Geek Awards in 2013.
(image courtesy of citypaper.net)

Philly Touch Tours
Which brings me to my biggest takeaway from the evening, learning about Austin’s Philly Touch Tours. The Philly Touch Tours travel to a variety of areas in Philadelphia, including the Penn Museum and the Italian Market, and allow guests to accessibly experience the city through their sense of touch. What’s especially interesting about the Philly Touch Tours is that guests are able to touch pieces generally off limits to the public. And I was amazed to learn that guests on his tours have discovered new information about artifacts thousands of years old! After learning about Philly Touch Tours, I simply could not keep my mouth shut. Please, if you have the opportunity, give these tours a shot!
(image courtesy of phillytouchtours.com)